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ToolsCoupon Code Generator

Coupon Code Generator

Our coupon code generator is perfect for e-commerce companies looking to create custom discount codes for their loyal customers. It allows customization of characters, prefixes, and suffixes. These features allow the coupons to be brandable and customizable for any occasion.

Free random code generator

As part of our initiative to help e-commerce brands, we made our coupon code generator completely free, forever. There are no limitations on how many coupon codes you can generate and download. This code generator is an essential tool in your arsenal, and it is excellent if you deal with many event-related offers.

Do you store the codes?

We don't save the codes on our end. After generating a code, we recommend copying or downloading it to ensure you have it. We cannot retrieve any codes.

What format does it save?

We allow the code to be downloaded in a plain text file. A row will separate each code to be imported into Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel. This also allows it to be added to a CSV file for ease of use.

Can I install this generator on Shopify?

At this moment of time, it's only available via this page. In the future, we might consider bringing out a Shopify plugin for the coupon generator.