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Revenue Acceleration Insights

User Experience Review

Trust Signal Enhancement

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Dedicated Account Manager

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365 Day Support

We’ll give you 365 days of free follow-up support after the audit to help you implement the recommendations. Daily support at your leisure.

From landing page creation to SEO optimisation, we’re here for you.


Guaranteed insights to improve your store’s performance—or your money back.

If we don’t bring anything that will improve your eCommerce site, we’ll process a refund with no questions asked. 0% risk for you.

SEO Audit and Optimization

Our audit will accomplish a comprehensive SEO analysis and provide you with an action plan for going forward with your Shopify store. From keyword analysis, competitor research, on-page SEO and content quality, you'll receive a thorough report on the key factors that will improve your SEO game.

Content Quality and Marketing

Product descriptions, product images, blog posts, and related marketing material are essential when it comes to creating a well optimised Shopify store. Your website has to deliver on a flawless experience that understands the struggles and concerns of your customers. Our audit will pick up on any flaws that may prevent you from capturing sales. From bad shipping times to unclear production descriptions, anything can cost you a sale with an ever increasing eCommerce market.

Sales & User Experience

Like any good Shopify audit, our expert audit looks at your eCommerce business through the eyes of the customer and business owner. We'll deliver an audit evaluating user experience by looking at factors like site navigation, page speed, page population, content density, and many other factors. From simple call-to-action buttons to mobile responsiveness, this audit will make your Shopify site easy to use and navigate so you can create a profitable channel for your business.

Frequently asked questions

Unsure about something? Here are some commonly asked questions.

What is a Shopify audit? arrow faq
A Shopify audit looks at the good and the bad of your Shopify store. It helps you understand on areas you can improve and things you're doing well.